Sunday, August 28, 2016

It takes two to build a nest

As I pull into park ,I can see both are on the OCT again this morning. Harriet and Dad vocalizes their Good Mornings. Harriet is down low and Dad is above her. I'm very glad to see they are spending more  nights in the nest area now.
Some more vocals and preening by both then Harriet leaves for the nest tree. Oh I get a little bit excited. Harriet lands down where there moss was placed by Dad the other day. Dad is watching Harriet from the OCT. Dad soon joins Harriet in the nest tree landing on the porch branch. Well maybe just maybe they'll bring in some branches today. Dad now joins Harriet on the veranda branch. LOL Not quiet enough room for the both of them so Harriet moves to the porch branch. Dad then goes up to the attic branch.  Okkk now I'm waiting for one of them to make a move. Harriet starts stretching out her neck , bobbing head head up and down looking at the bunch of pine branches to her right then moves over a bit on the porch branch and turns around.Harriet then launches and goes for a pine branch.Harriet has her branch and heads out and around and right back to the nest tree landing down in the crotch where the nest use to be.  Dad is watching her .  Now Harriet is trying to place her branch she just brought in. She laid the stick along the veranda branch then picked it up with her talons to move it  but she seems to be having a difficult time . Dad is really watching now. Then dad decides he needs to get a better look at the situation and drops down to the spike branch extension.

Now Harriet is looking  down and I'm not sure if she lost her stick or where it went to. Now Dad thinks he needs to get right next to Harriet. This doesn't work out well for either of them.Dad ends up hopping over Harriet.Then flies up to the skinny branch that is sticking out of the porch branch.Not sure if he is trying to break it off or just getting out of the way.

Well now both of them were looking to see where the branch went too and so am I. So I have no idea if it got placed or dropped.

Dad hops back over on to the veranda branch and both of them looking down. I'm cracking . No one knows where the branch went to.LOL

So Dad goes back to the porch branch and Harriet stays where she's at. I guess they need a break now. Dad's preening , Harriet's preening and I'm waiting. So now Dad is checking out the pine branches next to him. He flies out grabs one and ends up, upside down...LOL Poor Dad . It was a beautiful launch , great grab of the branch but it didn't break for him.

Dad break free of the branch and heads over to the ground by the left pond tree.He's found himself a branch on the ground. A good size one too. It takes him a couple of tries then finally up he goes. Whoa NICE branch! He flies back by the pond around the pond and heads towards the nest .

Dad can't get enough lift to get up into the nest tree with the branch so he heads over to one of the front pines and lands. He trys pulling up the branch more to get a better grip but he ends up losing the branch. Aww it was a good size branch that would have really helped get a start for the foundation of the nest. Harriet and I were cheering Dad on too. This photo is of Dad looking over at Harriet as she was cheering him on. He left not to long after this photo heading SE way past the pond.

Harriet stayed until about 9:00 am. She was preening and vocalizing off and on while she was there.
What a great morning.


  1. Thank you for the play by play Dee!! As always I look forward to your pictures and stories! :-)

  2. Thank you for sharing your awesome updates and beautiful pictures Dee

  3. Praying for Harriet and Dad

  4. Seems as though they have decided to stay at this nest tree. The nest building will help with their bonding. Looking forward to another great season.

  5. That was great! What a day for Harriet an Dad. Good pictures and writing! ♫

  6. Are Dad and M-15 the same eagle?

    1. Yes he's been called Dad, PB and FV by those who don't like his name referring to an automatic weapon!!!

  7. Thank you Dee, only meant to reply once, tried to delete the second one but it wouldn't work

  8. would like to say you could write an awesome book Dee, you have a God-given talent with beautiful words and pictures, thank you again for sharing them😇
